Oct 21, 2019
Mathew has a long and fruitful history in the fitness industry. At age 21 he started INBF Canada- a rigorously fair and successful fitness competition federation.
He is the co-founder OF A revolutionary health drink called RE7.
He has been successful on Pro Natural Bodybuilding stage with a Pro Status and has built multiple successful fitness business over the course of his career.
He has studied for many years on personal development, mental performance and psychology AND is leading the fitness industry on the mindset game in fitness and in fitness businesses
Now Known as the mindset guy in the fitness industry. Matthew Believe that the best way to predict the future is to create it: using your mindset to lead your heart-set and transforms you entire life.
Get off your butt and start making action towards your goal. It’s not going to be pretty, but it’s how you will get success in your life!
Find everything about Mathew Park for your business at https://mathewpark.com
Each Body Project episode looks into sharing inspiring stories from top fitness and movement professionals to find out how these incredible influencers what their origin story is and how they transformed their life and how they can completely alter the lives of their clients.
JOIN US for the Green Shake Challenge to get you back on track after summer indulging: https://catherinetanaka.com/greenshakechallenge/