Apr 8, 2019
Today I interview high school teacher, Justin Tsui- Justin is a passionate change maker in the education sector. He is looking to change the way teachers and students care for their fitness; but more than just physical, Justin believes that we need to optimize our fitness in our mindset, our emotional set as well as our mental health.
Justin has been a teacher and football coach for over 15 years and is currently supporting the school board by revamping curriculums to include his WIN EACH DAY METHOD. This Project is one that will equip students and educators alike to take a holistic approach to health, making our education system closer to support our students optimally in well-being, health and ultimately their life success.
In today's episode we discussed:
Find out more about WIN EACH DAY and the incredible thoughts Justin is sharing: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1188482234606707/
Join our GREEN SHAKE CHALLENGE at www.catherinetanaka.com/free-challenge/
Catherine Tanaka Fitness
Visit my website and other social media platforms:
Website: www.catherinetanaka.com
Podcast: www.thebodyprojectpodcast.com
Instagram: @catherinetanaka.fit