Oct 22, 2018
Brittany is a full-time fitness professional; Certified Personal Trainer, Strength and Conditioning Coach, CycleStar, and Barre Instructor. She holds a Holistic Health Coach certification form the Institute of Integrative Nutrition.
She is a former Body Builder Competitor and competed in the Emerald Cup in 2014. She specializes in weight management, strength training (especially for women), and nutritional coaching.
She has a tremendous passion for empowering clients in a shame-free zone to be success through fitness and self-love.
Her fav quote: “Get comfortable with being uncomfortable.”
Find her on instagram @curvycurl for all things fitness, health and kettlebell combos.
Catherine Tanaka Fitness
Visit my website and other social media platforms:
Website: www.catherinetanaka.com
Podcast: www.thebodyprojectpodcast.com
Instagram: @catherinetanaka.fit
Facebook: Catherine Tanaka Fitness
Email: info@catherinetanaka.com
YouTube: Catherine Tanaka Fitness